Scientific journal NRU ITMO
Series "Processes and Food Production Equipment"
Registration certificate ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 55245 - 04.09.2013
registered by the Federal Inspectorate Service for Communication, Information Technologies and Communication Media

June 2021 (published: 15.06.2021)

Number 2(48)

Home > Issue > Development of a method for determining the boundary conditions of raw material processing in a microwave field for leveling the thermal component

UDC 664.8.022.6

Development of a method for determining the boundary conditions of raw material processing in a microwave field for leveling the thermal component

Korolev Aleksei А. , Kondratenko Vladimir V.

The article describes an algorithm for finding boundary conditions for the thermal and wave effects of processing plant raw materials in the microwave field. Processing by physical methods (microwave, UV, fast electrons, etc.) of plant raw materials and food products is carried out in order to maintain guaranteed quality throughout its shelf life. The search for boundary conditions for processing in the microwave field is carried out in order to reduce the negative effects of processing, resulting in irreversible damage to plant tissue, changing the quality indicators during storage and processing. Irreversible damage to plant raw materials is characterized by the destruction of cellular structures, which results in the loss of nutrients and vitamins in the raw materials. The calculation of the boundary conditions separating the thermal and wave effects of the microwave field allows to distinguish processing modes (duration and total power) with the manifestation of a predominantly wave effect, in which the negative impact on the raw material is minimal. The boundary conditions of processing in the microwave field for fresh mushrooms are calculated, taking into account the total power of the microwave sources, the initial and maximum temperature values from 23.67s for 4 sources (3200 W) to 38.23s for 1 source (800 W). The authors believe that the developed approach allows to determine the maximum processing time for any individual microwave installation adequately.
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Keywords: pretreatment of raw materials; microwave radiation; dielectric heating; vegetable raw materials

DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2021-14-2-3-12

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