About the issue
March 2019 (published: 29.03.2019)
Number 1(39)
Production of yeast products of wide profile
Borisenko E.G., Madzou O.B., Pirogovskaya E.K. , Maslova T.A. , Azanova A.A.
Keywords: biotechnology; yeast; plant raw materials; bioconversion; deep fermentation; solid-phase fermentation; rumen.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
UDC 663.12/.14:664(045)
Production of yeast products of wide profile
The biomass productivity of several strains of Pichia yeast on non-hydrolyzed cellulose substrates was studied in order to solve the problems of protein deficiency in human food and animal feed by means of yeast bioconversion of plant raw material. The accumulation of yeast biomass was carried out by deep and solid phase method of fermentation for different plant substrates. The fermentation of the yeast was conducted at the humidity of ~ 50–60% and the temperature of ~ 30°C within 48 hours. The results of cultivation were evaluated by direct counting of the yeast cells in the Goryaev camera after the required dilutions had been made.The experimental material for the productivity of different strains of the genus Pichia yeast on cellulosic raw materials is presented. It is proved that different types of cellulosic substrates such as crushed straw, hay flour, wheat bran, and corn stalk can serve as substrates for yeast cultivation, and to participate in the formation of microbial biomass production and protein in vitro. This protein can be introduced into feed, food products, and used to enrich the soil.
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Keywords: biotechnology; yeast; plant raw materials; bioconversion; deep fermentation; solid-phase fermentation; rumen.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2019-12-1-3-9

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License