About the issue
September 2015 (published: 17.09.2015)
Number 3(25)
Influence of processing of tuber crops biological products on intensity of breath
and activity of oxidases at their storage
Kolodyaznaya V.S., Glazkova O.R. , Boulkrane M.S., Nagiyev T.B.
Keywords: potatoes, cold storage, biopreparations, reactive oxygen species, oxidases of the respiratory system, respiration rate.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
UDC 664.8.037.1
Influence of processing of tuber crops biological products on intensity of breath
and activity of oxidases at their storage
The problem of reducing losses and saving potatoes in the post-harvest period using various microbiological agents is important today. But, there is no domestic or foreign research literatureabout Pseudomonas asplenii bacteria effect on the kinetics of physiological and biochemical processes in tubers during cold storage. This article presents the effect of biopreparations based on bacteria-antagonists likePseudomonas asplenii RF13H and Bacillus subtilis ch13 on the respiration rate and potatoes respiratory oxidases activity during refrigerated storage. It has been found that tubers treatment with biopreparations has no influence on the respiration rate and ascorbate oxidase activity. It has been shown that tubers processing with biopreparation based on Pseudomonas asplenii RF13H leads to a dramatic increase of SOD activity at the beginning of cold storage, while the treatment with Bacillus subtilis ch13 has little effect on it. Under further treatment, no difference was registered in the SOD activity in control and test samples.If peroxidase activity in test samples is reduced it causes a significant increase of phenol oxidase activity compared to control ones. It demonstrates plant cell adaptation to adverse external influences.
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Keywords: potatoes, cold storage, biopreparations, reactive oxygen species, oxidases of the respiratory system, respiration rate.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License