About the issue
March 2015 (published: 27.02.2015)
Number 1(23)
Experimental study of capillary-evaporation burners for heat blocks field kitchens
Antufiev V.T., Smolyanskii O.V. , Zankov P.N.
Keywords: catering, mobile kitchen, heat unit, evaporator capillary-nozzle, increase reliability, reduce flow rate simmer.
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UDC 536.24
Experimental study of capillary-evaporation burners for heat blocks field kitchens
Catering special contingent personnel (geologists, emergency services, armed forces) in difficult field conditions is impossible without reliable technical means of preparation and transportation of food. The most affordable and safe fuel for cooking in cold climates is diesel A-0, 4-0 and W-0,2-35. Applications of thermal blocks field kitchens instead of electrical energy is not only more economical, but also greatly increases the reliability of the cooking in the field Mandate to develop more power intensive, and, at the same time, economical heat units for the climatic conditions of the far North. Overview of patents and studies on liquid fuel combustion intensification indicated that the application of high-voltage fields, aerial ultrasonic generators and other devices require a source of AC voltage, which is complicating this equipment and reduces its reliability. The article also presents the results of theoretical and experimental research of capillary evaporator jets FC-01KI, which increases the thermal Efficiency of a mobile kitchen to 45% while lowering diesel consumption by 15-35%, and increase the speed of the water boils in the boilers at 10-15%.
A simple and affordable way of upgrading injectors service personnel, providing high efficiency of combustion of liquid fuels and improving the reliability of their work. Changing the design of the vaporizer injectors leads to capillary evaporation of fuel-diesel fuel at elevated temperatures, eliminating the delay in the evaporator high-boiling fractions (waxes and resins) and extends the time of regular technical services kitchens in half.
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Keywords: catering, mobile kitchen, heat unit, evaporator capillary-nozzle, increase reliability, reduce flow rate simmer.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License