About the issue
March 2015 (published: 27.02.2015)
Number 1(23)
Effect of treatment of citrus fruits clementines by biopreparations on physiological and biochemical processes and indicators of quality in their refrigerated storage
Kolodyaznaya V.S., Boulkrane M.S.
Keywords: Clementine, biopreparations, cold storage, quality indicators, respiration rate, organic acids, mono- and-disaccharides.
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UDC 664.8.037.1
Effect of treatment of citrus fruits clementines by biopreparations on physiological and biochemical processes and indicators of quality in their refrigerated storage
Citrus fruits including Clementines, are not suitable for long-term storage in fresh state even at low positive temperatures,also they affected by psychrophilic microorganisms. To reduce losses from microbial spoilage recommended various additionals to cold physico-chemical and biological means. Currently promising scientific directions is to using bacteria-antagonists in the technology of cultivation and storage of fruits and vegetables. In the article shows results of study the treatment effect on citrus fruits clementines by bio-preparations based on bacterial antagonists genus Pseudomonas and Bacillus. The dependence of the respiration rate , organic acid content, the reduced form of ascorbic acid, mono-and-disaccharides in citrus fruits clementines Rocamora varieties, on the type of biopreparation and the duration of their storage. It is shown that treatment with biopreparations fruit slows down the physiological and biochemical processes and, as a consequence, the maximum keeps food and biologically active substances during prolonged storage periods. For long-term storage of clementines, preserve their quality and nutritional value of fruits is recommended biologic treatment on the basis of bacteria-antagonists Pseudomonas asplenii.
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Keywords: Clementine, biopreparations, cold storage, quality indicators, respiration rate, organic acids, mono- and-disaccharides.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License