About the issue
June 2014 (published: 01.06.2014)
Number 2(20)
Research and development of yogurt enriched with selenium
In bioavailable form
Arsenyeva T.P., Skripleva E.A.
Keywords: nutrition, yogurt, selenium, stevioside, topinambur.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
UDC 637.182
Research and development of yogurt enriched with selenium
In bioavailable form
According to the Institute of Nutrition «RAMN» and the results of clinical trials 80% of Russians lack of selenium, an important microelement necessary for maintaining the immune system of a man. We investigated the possibility of using supplements «Selenium Alga Plus», which contains the trace element selenium in bio-accessible form during the production of yoghurt. In the structure of selenium. We investigated the possibility of using supplements «Selenium Alga Plus», which contains the trace element selenium in bio-accessible form during the production of yoghurt. In the structure of selenium supplements is in combination with brown seaweed containing iodine. In the supplements also includes garlic, wheat bran, yeast, Jerusalem artichokes, vitamins E, C, of the group B.
It is known, that the most dangerous enemy of selenium is sucrose. In the presence of sugar this microelement is practically not absorbed. the objective of the survey was the need for selection sweetening components of plant origin, because in the yogurt there is 11% of sucrose.
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Keywords: nutrition, yogurt, selenium, stevioside, topinambur.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License