About the issue
SEPTEMBER 2011 (published: 01.09.2011)
Number 2(12)
The results of experimental studies of the process of hydration of the fruits of apricots in the technological cycle of washing
Usmanov I.I., Krysin A.G., Pelenko V.V., Ivanenko V.P.
Keywords: moisture absorption, impregnation, adsorption, capillary forces, osmosis, concentration diffusion, swelling, hygroscopic moisture content.
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UDC 663/664
The results of experimental studies of the process of hydration of the fruits of apricots in the technological cycle of washing
Identified the recommended mode settings washing dried apricots in the technological cycle of commodity processing. Obtained regression equations to determine the amount of absorbed moisture from time to time at different temperatures of washing medium.
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Keywords: moisture absorption, impregnation, adsorption, capillary forces, osmosis, concentration diffusion, swelling, hygroscopic moisture content.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License