About the issue
June 2016 (published: 22.06.2016)
Number 2(28)
Optimization of food grinding process in grinders
Pelenko V.V., Malyavko D.P., Usmanov I.I., Ekimov V. G., Krysin A.G.
Keywords: grinder; extrusion; pressure; power capacity; raw materials; friction; stress; knife; grinder plate.
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UDC 519.68:532.7:541.8:541.182.41
Optimization of food grinding process in grinders
Hierarchy of priories for investigating, mathematical modelling, and optimization of the food grinding process is presented. The object of research at every process stage is determined. As all processes are dependent on analytical estimating and calculating minimal pressure of raw meat at the junction of grinder plate and knife, this problem is investigated. Physical model of extrusion process through perforated grinder plate is shown. Equilibrium equation for a food moving inside the plate taking into account both shearing force against plate hole edge and forces of outer meat surface friction against internal surface of the plate cylindrical hole. Research originality is that boundary conditions taking into account forces of sliding friction on the surface of the plate hole and the condition of constrained compression for generalized Hooke's law allow calculation of absolute side pressure stress on the wall of cylindrical hole. Side stress, which is average in the length of the hole, is calculated by integrating linear distribution law chosen a priori, that allows calculating corresponding pressure and friction stress. Taking into consideration mathematical expressions for all constituents of equilibrium equation results in evaluating target value of pressure necessary at the junction of grinder plate and knife.
Required pressure was shown to depend on specific shear force characterizing strength properties of meat; Poisson coefficient characterizing its deformation properties; meat friction coefficient characterizing the contact of meat with cylindrical surface of the hole; and also on the diameter and thickness of grinder plate.
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Keywords: grinder; extrusion; pressure; power capacity; raw materials; friction; stress; knife; grinder plate.
DOI 10.17586/2310-1164-2016-9-2-32-39

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License